Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Tis A Pack Of Wargs Me Lord!


Based on the image by Dan Mumford, I have traced over an image of a pack of wolves and then filled it black. It's not as complex as mumfords but I think it conveys what I want just as well.

Then for Ben's final version I have turned the Wargs Cyan to inkeep with the colour chosen by the group.

THE NEW and IMPROVED JOKER CARDS! Flight of the Norns

Now, instead of making the Norns bird headed i've decided to just make them birds. To inkeep with the same style as the pack of Wargs, i've traced around a flight of birds, still keeping to owls, vultures and magpies.

Above, I have also found an example of how Charley Harper as done the same sort of thing but his is a bit more complex than mine, which is quite surprising seeing as though his work is pretty damn simple.
Then for Ben's final version I have turned the Norns Cyan to inkeep with the colour chosen by the group.

Charley Harper

From Ben Wright's tutorial with me last Thursday he advised me to look at Charley Harper...and by the looks of it everyone else was told to do the same thing...

I found this bloody awesome group of illustrations by him and it's just interesting how simple you can make an animal especially wee little birds with their triangular breast.

Wolf Realisation

After looking at Jack Teagle's website and blog and finding the picture above, I realise that as long as the fur of the wolf is black/gray/dark colour then it will be interpreted as a wolf and not a fox or a dog.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Digital Fang

This is just an experiment for one of my symbols, just using illustrator for the first time.

Live Tree

This was just experimenting on illustrator with one of my own pieces of work using live paint.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Crooked Vultures' Head

For my third and final Norn head (The other two being Magpie and Owl) I was going to have a crows head but it's too similar to the Magpie's head, and so I thought some more.....and it hit me, I brought The King "Them Crooked Vultures" album for christmas and it worked perfectly for what I need it for being I was thinking the Vultures head could be The present Norn (because when you see a vulture you know you're going to die pretty damn soon), the Owl could be the past and the Magpie the future.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Norn Clothes

For the Norns I thought I could make their dress out of peacock feathers because they are meant to represent bad luck so that intertwines with the luck subject and also the patern looks like eyes, staring into people's souls.

The Meaning of Birds

I wanted to know what birds actually meant in terms of Tarot cards so that the Norns' card will haveeven deeper meaning and a meaning i found was this:

By their very nature birds are symbols of aspiration, illumination, and higher vibration. They live in the realm of the skies and this makes them symbolic of higher places in thought, body and mind. When we contemplate the bird we are lifted above the mundane, lifted of our burdens, and our souls are set free to fly above the restrictions we've placed upon ourselves. 

I like the fact that birds have been discribed as being in a higher place in thought, body, and mind because that's what the Norns are suppose to be, all knowing in all ways.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Bird Heads

Like I stated in my last blog, want the Norns to have Magpie heads but my girlfriend Lady Fazakarley for christmas bought me these:

And I love the simplicity of the owls head and owls are meant to be wise and all knowing like The Norns.
When I did some image research on "Owl/ Magpie Prints" (just because prints are simple shapes but still have enough information to look like it's meant to) I found some fantastic illustrations.